Stress and Your Oral Health - Blog Entry 6

I would like to share some ways that our bodies may respond to stress from an oral health point of view, and also ways to calm our bodies and minds.

The habit of grinding or clenching your teeth, usually while you’re sleeping, is called bruxism. It may be caused by stress. Symptoms include headaches, a sore jaw,  frequent toothaches, and damage to teeth or dental work.
Periodontal (gum) disease might be linked to high stress. Signs of gum disease include gums that bleed when you brush or floss; red, swollen or tender gums; and gums that have pulled away from your teeth.
Canker sores may also be stress-related. These small sores appear on the soft tissues inside your mouth or on the base of your gums. Most canker sores go away in a week or two.  Call the office if you have a sore that does not heal.

If you find yourself feeling stressed, try these simple tips:
Always make time for brushing and flossing. These three to five minutes are time to do something positive to improve and maintain your health.
Keep regular dental appointments dentist regularly so that we can take care of any teeth damaged from clenching or grinding, or prescribe a night guard or bite plate to prevent further damage.
Practice relaxation techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing or yoga, to control tension. Visualize a beautiful, relaxing spot like the beach. 
Exercise. Nothing reduces stress like a run or a bike ride.

Elder Care - Blog Entry 5

I know being a caregiver can be overwhelming at times, so I wanted to offer my assistance when it comes to the oral health of the person receiving care. Keeping his or her mouth healthy is important to her overall health. We know that infection in the mouth can cause problems in other areas of the body or make existing problems worse.  By working together, we can lower the patient’s risk for decay and disease.
We can work together to develop a daily plan that will help you manage his or her oral health. This plan is especially helpful if there is more than one caregiver. The plan should include:
Instructions for brushing, flossing and denture care
The products and supplies that are needed
Arrangement of a dental examination at least twice each year
Appropriate treatment choices

Bring the following to each dental appointment:
An up-to-date list of medications including vitamin supplements, herbal remedies, and over-the-counter pain remedies
An up-to-date list of medical conditions and allergies
Contact information for other health care providers (doctors, etc.), emergency contact information
Dental insurance or Medicaid cards
Dentures or partial dentures (even if the patient is not wearing them)

To make an appointment or if you have any questions, please contact our office at (651) 292-8457 or contact our office by email at

The Importance of Regular Dental Visits - Blog Entry 04

We understand that day-to-day life can be very hectic. Between work, family, and social commitments, it’s tough to make that extra effort to care for your dental health. At Michael Freischel DDS, we want to make your regular dental visit a relaxing and positive experience.
Regular dental care is important. We can detect tooth decay early, which can save time, money, and your teeth!  Even if you brush and clean between your teeth each day, your teeth need professional cleanings at the dental office. Professional cleaning helps remove stains, plaque, and tartar from your teeth to keep your smile bright. It also helps prevent periodontal (gum) disease.
At your dental appointment, we check the health of your teeth and gums to ensure that all is well. A careful exam of your mouth is important to detect signs of oral cancer, and other problems, at an early stage when they are easier to treat.
Taking care of your oral health is important throughout your life span. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 90% of adults in the U.S. over 20 years of age have, or have had, tooth decay. Nearly one-quarter have untreated tooth decay. Periodontal disease is also very common; almost half of adults over 30 years of age have periodontitis. Regular dental visits are also important for denture wearers to ensure a proper fit.
Please give us a call at (651) 292-8457 or send an email to to make your exam and cleaning appointment. We look forward to seeing you soon.

You May Be on Summer Vacation, But Your Oral Health Is Not - Blog Entry 03

Summer is a time for vacations, relaxing with friends and family, and carefree fun. While we encourage all the enjoyment that summer has to offer, we would also like to remind you to make sure that you stick to healthy oral care habits.

Here are some tips to make sure that your oral health stays on track for the summer:
Think about having a check-up before leaving on summer travel. We can catch any problems, and you will start summer with a smile that is clean and bright.
Normal schedules and routines are often disrupted in the summer. Make sure you make time to brush two times a day and floss one time a day. This is especially true for kids, so parents may wish to check in with their children’s oral health habits.
Make sure you pack a toothbrush, fluoride toothpaste and floss. If you are flying and taking carry-on luggage, make sure your toothpaste tube is 3 ounces or less to meet Transportation Security Administration (TSA) requirements.
Sweet treats like ice cream and cold glasses of lemonade are a part of summer, but so are fresh fruits and vegetables. Make healthy choices for snacks and meals.
Know what to do in case of a dental emergency while traveling. The ADA’s “Find a Dentist” website at is a useful tool to find a dentist near you. A local hospital, a dental association or dental society, or your hotel concierge can also refer you to a dentist. When travelling abroad, a U.S. embassy or consulate may keep a list of local dentists on file.
How does your toothbrush look? Use the season change as a reminder to replace toothbrushes that have worn or frayed bristles.
We wish you a summer that is fun, healthy and safe, and thank you and your family for being valued patients. Please feel free to contact our office at (651) 292-8457 or with any questions or to make an appointment.

Your Child’s First Dental Visit - Blog Entry 02

Our office is very child friendly and we will strive to make your child’s first visit to our office a positive experience.
During the first visit, we will go through the following checklist, explaining each step to you and your child as we go:

Review your child’s medical and dental history.
Gently examine your child’s teeth and gums to check growth and development, oral hygiene, injuries, cavities or other problems.
Clean the teeth if necessary and provide suggestions about daily care.
Evaluate and  advise you about your child’s fluoride exposure because too much or too little can lead to problems.
Talk about feeding practices and give dietary counseling.
Assess your child’s risk of developing tooth decay.
Give information regarding oral development, teething, pacifier or finger/thumb sucking habits and injury prevention.
Plan for any needed treatment or the next check-up.

The tips below help make a great first dental visit:
Schedule a morning appointment if possible. Children tend to be more rested and cooperative in the mornings.
If you get nervous about visiting the dentist, try not to pass on these worries to your child.
Do not bribe your child or use a dental visit as a punishment or threat.
Try to make your child’s dental visit a fun outing.

Starting visits at an early age helps your child build good dental habits from the beginning. Plus preventive dental care can save time, money and teeth. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at (651) 292-8457 or contact me via email at

X-ray Safety - Blog Entry 01

We welcome your concerns, encourage your questions, and try to keep you informed about dental care. During my discussions with patients, a few have told me their concerns about dental x-rays. Are x-rays necessary? Are they safe? I would like to address some of these concerns and share this information with you.
Necessity. Dental x-rays are necessary for accurate diagnosis of many dental conditions.  They allow dentists to detect decay and other diseases of the mouth, bone, face and jaw that may not be visible during an oral examination. Because x-rays help us detect dental conditions early, they play an important role in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of dental problems.
Safety. Modern equipment reduces the radiation you are exposed to by, for example, focusing the x-ray beam to the area of interest and reducing the radiation output and exposure time. High-speed x-ray film or digital x-ray equipment can further reduce a patient’s exposure. With these safeguards in place, the small amount of radiation you are exposed to from dental x-rays generally represents a much smaller risk to your health than an undetected and untreated dental problem.
I hope this information assures you that we are committed to providing quality care to our patients. Please feel free to contact us at (651) 292-8457 or to ask us about x-rays or any other aspect of your dental treatment. You can also visit the patient education section of our website at for more information.





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